Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dad's Day

I would like to give praise to all of you awesome fathers out there. Dads who go the extra mile in raising their children are cool people. Guys who spend that extra time helping with homework or making sure their kids are prepared for school in the morning; dads who go the extra mile teaching their child how to play the guitar or how to make that difficult bank shot in pool; fathers that are actively involved with their kids sporting events or artistic endeavors, all cool. Dads who are home with the kids performing tasks such as feeding, diaper changing, and toilet training.... very cool.

I’m not saying that I am an amazing father, but I have had the opportunity to be around many amazing dads. I have had the good fortune to learn lessons from my father and my three other brothers who are all good in the dad department. So, I am thankful for the resources.

As I watch the news at night I am amazed at the stories of violence involving our young people. I see a nine year old bringing a gun to school and shooting another student. Children witnessing domestic violence in the home. Youngsters being sexualy abused. I see stories of children being taken from parents into state custody. And then there is the Steve Powell case. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, just watch the news for five minutes. He was just sentenced to 30 months for child voyeurism and and for the possession of child pornography. Steve’s son is the famous Josh Powell who was being investigated for the disappearance of his wife Susan. That was until Josh killed himself and his two young boys in Washington state in April this year.

I wonder what Josh’s upbringing was like. Did his dad Steve somehow influence him into evil? It’s difficult not to imagine that there is some connection there. For good or bad, parents have tremendous power over their children. This is why I feel so lucky to have the father that I have.

Let's take a moment and thank those awesome fathers out there. Without great dads the world would be in a lot of hurt. So, thank you cool dads! Have a great Father’s day!

-Brother Jared


  1. Being inspired by your post, I would like to publicly thank my Dad for teaching me how to live life to the fullest, follow your dreams, take time lay on your back, look at the stars and believe in the magic. Thanks Dad

  2. Your blog is really excellent. I would love to include it on my own blog (about adults with Asperger's) as a link of interest. If not, no problem. But if you're interested, let me know. and you can reach me at
